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Fuel Cells

The fuel cell is the key piece of kit in the HydroGenesis system that creates electricity when there is insufficient solar energy hitting the photovoltaic panels. There are several types of fuel cells, depending on the fuel used and the different components and chemical processes in the fuel cell. Fuel Cells were first invented in the mid-19 th century with British and German physicists making parallel advancements. The first practical hydrogen fuel cell (an alkaline fuel cell) was developed by an Englishman in 1932, which was used in the Apollo moon project and still used by NASA to this day. Hydrogen fuel cells are used in many extreme places including in the International Space Station as well as German submarines. HydroGenesis, as our name suggests, will use fuel cells fueled by locally generated hydrogen via onsite electrolysers ; but how do hydrogen fuel cells generate electricity? A hydrogen fuel cell takes hydrogen in at the anode and oxygen at the cathode. The hydrogen atom
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